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About Us

The Need to Address Preventable

Chronic Disease is Urgent

The statistics are alarming, but they also point to a positive path forward with
proper alignment of value-based care for historically underserved individuals,
their families and their community. Health equity is the just opportunity
for everyone to fulfill their human potential in all aspects of health
and wellbeing. It is a moral imperative that can be addressed with
business strategies. Purpose and profit can align.

The unmet need is advancing an actionable economic
model to enable the transition to value-based care

Volumes of reports are published monthly on the acceleration of the decline of our health, persistent health inequity, symptoms of the misalignment of our current health care system. Calls for urgency center on the need for studies, collaboration, legislative change to advance solutions, not on taking action.

We envision an immediate actionable, bipartisan, private sector economic model. One not requiring additional Congressional authority or appropriations, one not dependent on the emergence of a breakthrough technology. An economic model that sustainably scales whole person and whole community health through personalized engagement through people centered digital and AI technogy.

The Business Model

An Adjacent health tech organization with the mission to help stakeholders achieve their mission. Powered by the arbitrage of lifestyle habit and medicine, combined with the whole of public and private efforts to address health equity.

A community based, people centered, data driven, outcome focused health tech organization. A network of unique healthy community hubs supported by a strong central organization building lasting personalized engagement with the individual and the community.

Data drives change

Harnessing data technology for collection of lifestyle behavior data, leveraging AI for descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics. Gen AI enables personalized engagement at scale.

Disaggregated, ring fenced data drives continuous improvement with the rigor to conduct  patient vs profit led evidence-based research necessary to accelerate the transition to FAVBC.

Whole person health must be addressed to improve outcomes. The hubs anchor a network of health and social needs providers with inoperability to quickly identify and address gaps in the person’s HRSNs.

Intensive Health Behavior Lifestyle Treatment (IHBLT)

The American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines to treat the childhood obesity epidemic calls for the immediate referral for “Intensive Health Behavior and Lifestyle Treatment”. IHBLT requires concurrent, multicomponent diet, exercise, and behavioral change. The key to success is face to face, family centered treatment in an intensity and duration to achieve lasting behavior change.

The main limitation to making the referral is the relative scarcity and distribution of effective treatment programs. Given the number of children and their families who meet the criteria for treatment, and the current capacity limitations to deliver IHBLT, a significant effort toward appropriate treatment capacity-building is needed to achieve equitable access for all children.

This need to build capacity is to treat childhood obesity, let alone the other chronic diseases as well as the concurrent treatment for GLP1prescriptions, all requiring the same gold standard lifestyle treatment.

Engagement with the Community is the foundation for healthy change

A healthy community hub unique to the population anchors an integrated network of health and social needs providers to address whole person health in near real time.

A revitalized large retail location, transformed into a vibrant community center with a fresh market, facilities for physical activity, a clothing store, and a team of digitally supported engagement specialist.

Wraparound specialists navigating social needs providers to address the individual’s HRSNs.

Community Health Workers as liaisons with health care providers improving the medical outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Health coaches make building desired habits easier, celebrating small wins that build into big habits.

The Hub provides the pathway for the individual to own their independence.

Food is Medicine

Food is health and the catalyst for engagement as food is deeply personal and inseparable with the community.

The outcome that matters is the food consumed, not what food is available. To increase consumption of healthy food, it must be consistently available, culturally, and nutritionally appropriate, affordable and an easy choice to make. The healthy food must deliver a consumer experience worthy of being repeated.

The availability is presented in a “fresh market” inside the hub where a varied assortment of high-quality products meeting the full requirements of WIC, in an inviting and respectful environment.

Affordability is the combination of low-cost product, low operating costs and maximizing the financial resources of the customer.

Maximizing the customer’s financial resources driven by supporting whole of government resources to maximize eligibility for EBT purchases, combined with vouchers from health care providers and employers that are consolidated in a one wallet fintech solution. Competitive pricing stretches the families purchasing power.

Movement is medicine!

Movement and muscles boosts immunity, regulates glucose, improves circulation, and reduces chronic inflation impacting physical and mental health and longevity.

Access to appropriate, safe, supervised, enjoyable, physical activity is available for all ages and abilities. Indoor and outdoor opportunities created in the revitalized facility staffed by certified exercise coaches with engagement supported by the involvement of professional sports organizations and local colleges and universities.

Digital wearables provide critical feedback for the customer and their health providers.

Healthy Habit Building Support

The Secret Sauce!

Once the opportunity for a healthy choice is present, the success of the outcomes is defined by the effectiveness of the support provided to help people succeed in developing healthy habits they want to own. Changing diet and exercise habits are extremely difficult to make and sustain.

Habit building support is a combination of behavioral science, social influences, and personal coaching support.

Behavioral science enables the understanding, predicting, and changing human behavior.

Social influence plays a critical role in an individual’s behavior. Our assumptions are that every individual would prefer better health if they had the choice, and each individual has a unique story. It is compelling stories that shape attitudes and behavior..

Coaching Support helps patients set and achieve health and wellness goals. These certified individuals leverage gen AI, and best in class subject matter expertise to provide personalized face to face and digital education and ongoing support to make it easier for people succeed. The hubs have a teaching kitchen Personalized nutrition and physical activity plans are easily modified as new insight emerges.

Appropriate clothing The Unspoken Insecurity

Clothing is one of the seven factors of academic success.
Appropriate clothing plays a key role in employment success.
A boy having the right vs wrong color clothing makes a big
difference in certain communities.

The Hub houses a “Clothed by Faith” clothing store and repurposing center where high quality, customer appropriate, affordable clothing is presented in a dignified manner. The operation recycle tons of textiles monthly, generating income for the operation while reducing solid waste in the community.

Stakeholders we will help achieve their mission

Underserved individuals and their communities: #1 Stakeholder

  • FAVBC Medicaid Health Care Providers
  • Partial Risk Providers and Employers
  • Whole of Government Agencies addressing Social Drivers of Health Equity
  • Partnerships with appropriate Wellness organizations
  • Social Needs Providers
  • Health Research Organizations
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About Salient

The Castle
Unit 345
2500 Castle Dr
Manhattan, NY

T: 559-707-7244 4753
E: [email protected]